A new line up of lotion is now available.  In addition to the 8 oz lotion bottle, we now offer lotion in 2 oz and 4 oz sizes.

The newest lotion scents available are "Hot Apple Pie" and "Vanilla Bean."  The "Hot Apple Pie" smells like the real thing - a sweet blend of apples and spice.

"Vanilla Bean" smells good enough to eat, and I recommend not using it when you are hungry.  The scent reminds me of a vanilla frappucino that you might buy at Starbucks.

After trial of the lotion by several people, I have received comments that it is a little sticky.  This is due to the shea butter.  While shea butter is a little sticky, it is very good for moisturizing and healing skin.  After first applying the lotion it may feel a little sticky, but that will only last a couple of minutes.  After that time it will fully absorb into the skin, leaving the skin feeling soft.

Fall is here in full force as we approach the end of October, and Christmas - dare I say it? - is really not that far away.  In another month and a half people will be putting up lights and decorations (some people may start even sooner), and people will busily try to get all of their Christmas shopping done.  But why wait until December?  Why not enjoy the Christmas season remembering why we celebrate it, instead of rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off?  Why not go ahead and get your gifts and have one less thing to worry about or distract you?  

Handmade soap, lotion, and lip balm make great gifts for people, and now through November 5, 2011 I am offering 25% off all orders!  You do not have to pick up or have your order shipped right away, you just have to have your order in before November 5 to save 25%.  Discount also includes special orders of any scented item currently not in stock.  Soap takes approximately six weeks to cure to be ready for use, so if you want anything special you have to plan ahead! 

Note: Please include "Fall Savings" in the subject line of your email when you place your order.
 I remember as a teenager browsing through a collection of goat milk soap made by another exhibitor at one of our fall goat shows.  There were so many scents and shapes to choose from (and indecisive me had such a hard time choosing which one I wanted)!  When I started my soap making venture, I too decided to invest in some soap molds.  While I do not have as much variety as that family had, I still have a lot to choose from!

Above are all the soap designs I have to offer, minus one.  In addition to these I have hand-cut bars with no design.  Each of these molded soaps is packaged in clear plastic, in order to show off the unique designs.  All of the hand-cut bars are creatively packaged in colored paper or cloth and decorated with a tied string or ribbon.

To the left are shown the four goat designs available - a swiss breed head, a swiss breed milker, a nubian doe and kid, and a swiss breed kid (I like to think of all the swiss breed designs as Saanens).

 Also available are other assorted animal designs - a horse head, a reindeer, a rabbit, a walking dog with the same general design as the previous two (not pictured), a sitting dog, and a bee and a flower.

 Next we have the new Christmas molds - a Christmas tree and the word joy.  Christmas is definitely a time to be joyful.  I just got these a couple of weeks ago, and plan to use them with all of my Christmasy scented soaps.

Finally, we have the soaps that don't quite fit in any other category - a lighthouse, and a dome shaped bar.  I have found that many people like to use the lighthouse design in their bathrooms.  A lighthouse design always seems to make good decor.

One of the things I hear most often about the molded soaps is, "They are so pretty.  I would hate to use them."  While they are pretty, they are also meant to be used.  Never let the beauty discourage you from trying out soap with designs - just let it be a reminder to treasure the benefits of the soap you are using.

Note: The different colored soaps in the pictures are made from two different recipes with slightly different ingredients.  While both are very moisturizing, the soaps with the orangey color contain red palm oil which is high in carotene (which gives the color) and loaded with vitamin E. 
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