Whether tea, hot chocolate, or candy (excluding dark chocolate), peppermint is my favorite.  It doesn't matter if I'm not sick - I still prefer it above everything else, especially when it comes to tea.  Doublemint goat milk soap is one of my favorite soaps.  With a combination of peppermint and spearmint, it is perfect for many occasions.  It is uplifting, refreshing, and soothing for sickness and congestion.  Whenever I feel a sore throat coming on, I prefer to use one of these bars of soap (even if I'm already using something else), deeply breathing in the mint as I shower.
This soap is made following my basic recipe containing moisturizing goat milk, olive oil, coconut oil, and red palm oil.  It is available in several different molds: Dog, Goat kid, Joy, Bee & Flower, Lighthouse, and domed bar.

You can find Doublemint Soap here in my Etsy shop.  If you would like a different shaped soap bar than what is listed, please let me know.  I also have matching scents available in lotion and lip balm, with 2 oz, 4 oz, and 8 oz bottles of peppermint goat milk lotion, and peppermint and spearmint beeswax lip balms.

"There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance; pray you, love, remember." 
-William Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 4, Scene 5)

Whether or not you use rosemary for remembrance, it has a very distinct and energizing scent.  In the form of essential oil it takes on a slightly different fragrance than the herb - a more earthy fragrance.
Rosemary Mist Goat Milk Soap is made with my standard soap ingredients, olive oil, goat milk, coconut oil, and red palm oil, in addition to pure rosemary essential oil and dried rosemary.  The pieces pieces of dried rosemary add a flecked appearance, as well as a little texture, to the soap.

These 4 oz bars of soap are currently available in three different molds: Goat kid, Bee, and Horse.
You can purchase this item online here at www.etsy.com
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