Even if you love winter it comes with it's challenges, one of the biggest being able to keep your hands soft and smooth rather than dry and cracked.  This becomes even more challenging if you spend any kind of time outdoors in the winter (like I do), but here are a few tips to help prevent you from having "alligator skin" this winter.

1. Hydrate
 In the winter people have a tendency to drink less water than in the summer because it is cold outside, rather than hot.  Make sure you are drinking an adequate amount of water daily, even if you don't feel like it.  The average person should be drinking around 8 cups of water a day.  You can find more stats on the internet about how much water you should be drinking, based on age, gender, activity level, etc.

 2. Avoid
When you are trying to protect your skin in the winter there are a few things you should avoid.  First, avoid exposure and wear gloves when you go outside.  Don't expose your hands to the elements!  I always find it amazing how chapped my hands can get just by going outside on a cold day without gloves.  Save yourself a little trouble and just don't do it.

Second, minimize hand washing.  I know you may be a germ freak, but excessive washing not only cleans your hands, but it rids them of the natural oils that help protect your skin.  You probably don't have to wash your hands as often as you think you do.

Third, avoid products that will dry your skin, like alcohol based hand sanitizers.  If you notice a particular skin product (soap, lotion, cleanser, etc.) drying your skin, stop using it!  If you really love it you can just wait until summer to use it again.  It's not worth the trouble it causes to use it in the winter.

3. Moisturize
 Use a good lotion and apply after showering or washing your hands.  You can use it anytime it's needed, but it will be especially effective when used after showering or handwashing because it will lock in moisture and prevent the water from drying out your skin.  You can also use a simple soap with more oils or moisturizers in it, instead of one with a gazillion ingredients.  Two years ago I started washing my hands with my goat milk soap bars instead of liquid hand soap.  This small habit change has significantly helped my skin.  Invest in a soap dish and change your routine - it will be worth it!

4. Repair
Now what if your skin is already really bad this winter?  How can you help repair it?  First, find a pair of gloves.  Next, slather your hands in lotion at night and wear the gloves to bed.  Or better yet, use whipped body butter (contact me for a custom order) or find a balm with lanolin in it.  A few nights of special treatment, in addition to the above steps, will get your hands feeling soft again.

Have you found any favorite methods on protecting your hands during the winter?  I'd love to hear your thoughts below!

Note: I am currently having a winter sale on goat milk lotion.  Jump start your hand protection with savings on products made with quality ingredients. 
You can purchase here, at Etsy

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